The HR heads of Flipkart and Snapdeal have both quit on the same day as the two companies are said to be in the final stages of what will be the biggest merger in the Indian startup space. Nitin Seth, who was the COO of Flipkart and headed Human Resources, has put down his papers after CEO Kalyan Krishnamurthy took over the HR function just a week ago. Saurabh Nigam, who was Snapdeal’s HR Chief, has also resigned after a three year stint at the firm
“After spearheading Snapdeal’s human capital function for more than three years, Saurabh Nigam has decided to move on to pursue further career interests in a field close to his heart. Saurabh has been an integral and invaluable part of Snapdeal’s journey. We thank him for his vision and exemplary leadership and wish him the best for his future endeavors,” Snapdeal said on Nigam’s resignation. Nigam had joined the company in April 2014, and had overseen some tumultuous periods in Snapdeal’s journey. In 2016, fired Snapdeal employees had protested in the office and gone on a hunger strike, while early this year, the company had let go of another 500 employees to cut costs.
read more- OfficeChai
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